
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

16 April 2007

Worse Things Happen at Sea 

So the Bourbon Dolphin, which capsized off Shetland a few days ago, has sunk, presumably with five crew members still on board. It is all very sad and difficult to explain. Hopefully the commission set to investigate will find the reason, but apparently the same thing happened in Africa (I think it was) four years ago, with no explanation.

Also, the papers over here have been filled with stories about the break-up between Prince William and Kate Middleton. It would be very sad indeed if it turns out the media pressure was too big. If people would just stop buying and reading the bloody tabloids! Buy some real papers instead, some that have at least some substance to them, not just a front page saying "Oi! Big knockers this way!" - but apparently that is the only thing many people can muster to comprehend in the morning. Been up a bit too late, perhaps, binge drinking?

I am currently sitting in bed typing this, and it's actually quite nice. If only the computer wouldn't get really hot within the first ten minutes, I could get used to this.

Oh, and there was actually an hilarious scene in Foyle tonight. I never thought that would happen. It only lasted for about a minute, but the dry wit of Detective Chief Superintendent Christopher Foyle really did the trick.

My weekend starts right now and I am contemplating going to see Wild Hogs at the cinema tomorrow. It looks like fun. I also know it will most probably make me want to see Galaxy Quest and Mystery Men back to back afterwards, so I will end up spending the whole day watching films...and having read my old blog posts lately, that sort of reminds me of how it used to be, so why not?

Anyway, I would still need to sleep a bit in the mean time, especially since I am still knackered since yesterday's busy day at work.

For the record, it is April the 16th and there's been 26 degrees centigrades today. Phew.

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Oooh, I looooove Foyle!! Wish I was there to watch it. He is so serious looking sometimes that I start laughing at that. Pray; what did he say to make you laugh? Plus he is cute... Of course! He is old.

Huggies, slippers, cough medicine and stuff - Eilen
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