
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

08 May 2007

Relaxing to Music Before The Enormous Project(TM) 

Yesterday, when I came home from work and had done the dishes, I sat down to eat and watch another episode of Daniel Deronda before vegetating in front of the computer with...of all things...Jewel Quest 2 and lots upon lots of my old music. I sat there whistling and almost singing to every single song; I hadn't heard some of them for years. Very, very nice and relaxing. Must get back to listening to music properly.

I am also preparing mentally for a very big challenge, namely the fact that I am going to take on a huge project--a project that is at least 14 years overdue. I know it comes as a shock to some of you (and others will be thinking "what is she on about?"...and yet others "what is she on?"), but I am going to do something that is going against my old beliefs. I will simply have to start shaving my legs. I know, it's painful to think about, but I have bought this cool pair of shorts that I need to use in other areas than my sitting room and balcony, and hairy legs is rather unattractive.

So I have enlisted the help of a very willing flatmate to give me tips. It will of course take a few more weeks before I have mustered up the courage to take charge of the razor and shaving cream.

Funny thing is, lately I have reverted to my old style (and I use the term "style" very loosely in this context), in other words looking more like I feel*, but at the same time I'm using nail polish and will start shaving my legs, which is totally contradictory to that. Tsk, tsk.

* Reminding me of part of a conversation I once overheard in Oslo after having seen La cage aux folles for the umpteenth time (non-Norwegians will not understand this); two posh ladies talking about someone's kids and one of them saying "hun er visst sånn bøtsj, hun". Oh, dear.

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