
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

10 June 2007

Finally, a Joseph 

...Lord Lloyd-Webber had better be looking for a Jesus next, to make the family complete. Anyway, Lee Meade snagged the top spot, not at all surprising, as we picked him out in the first programme, just like we did with Connie Fisher last year. Does education have anything to do with it? Not sure. Anyway, rather well-deserved, but I cannot be bothered to go see the musical when it opens in about six weeks' time, I think.

Yesterday began with watching The Butterfly Effect whose director's cut was quite different from the theatrical version. I then followed up with all four films of the Harry Potter franchise, and when the fourth film ended I went online to find out I have to wait another month until the fifth film is released, and promptly fished its book out of my bookshelf instead. By the way? I would definitely recommend reading the books over watching the films. They have cut too much out of the films and J.K. Rowling's writing is absolutely brilliant.

Back to listening to Aussie radio.

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