
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

15 June 2007

Judge Turpin and All That 

I succumbed to emotional demand and decided to give Sweeney Todd a go anyway. So the ticket I told you I just would not allow myself to buy? It sort of...uhmm...multiplied. So I went a bit overboard (I think I may have to change my middle name to "Obsessively Excessive") and bought tickets to three performances instead of just one. Mind you, I chose the cheapest tickets for two of the performances, deciding I would benefit from just listening as well. Who needs to see anything, right?

Oh, and I bought a trip to Oslo. Ahem. Hotels were actually much cheaper than I had anticipated and feared, so the whole trip should not cost more than...hmm...the amount I usually paid to go to London for a theatre trip...there's a pattern here...

I'm also having an Extremely Spiky Hair Day(TM). I tried flattening it after having frightened myself in the loo mirror, but it only helped a bit. No wonder a lot of people kept staring at me on the train. Must learn to wait until I can actually see something in my mirror after having filled the whole bathroom with steam in the morning.

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