
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

05 July 2007

Horrible Nightmare about a Barber 

I had an entertaining, but scary nightmare last night about tonight's Sweeney Todd performance. For some reason my seat was an utterly crap one. Especially since there really was no seat, merely triangles hanging from the ceiling. We were also sitting in the same room as the whole orchestra. There were a couple of sofas available, but I was stupid enough to go for a stroll around the auditorium before sitting down, and when I came back someone had taken my place in the sofa (even though they actually had a seat of their own, somewhere else) and fallen asleep. There were other seats available, but not for me.

I decided not to try and balance my bottom on one of those jiggly triangle thingies, and stood by one of the walls instead. As the performance started, I got the feeling I was sort of in the way, as the actors involved had started moving around in all parts of the auditorium, and looking at me with a mix of surprise and contempt. I tried to move a little towards the corner, but I soon realised there was no way out of there, as I suddenly found myself right in the middle of a Greek tragedy. I sort of stood out.

I was "rescued" by a couple of backstage workers who dragged me into one of the many dressing rooms and left me to my own devices there. Apparently I had been so naughty I was not allowed out of there to watch the rest of the act, so I had to stay in the dressing room together with another naughty member of the audience and a backstage worker who was hired solely to stare at people and who, it turned out, had a fetish about whispering to people.

When the first act was over and it was time for the intermission, I had given up on seeing the rest of the show and wanted to go out for some fresh air (naturally, I was held ransom until the end of the performance, because they did not want anyone to relay to the press what the concert was like...as if I had any grounds upon which to base my review). In the backyard a couple of teenagers were trying to steal a lot of hoovers, and I, being a super-being, after all, tried to stop them. I soon got help from one of the actors (one of those who had been killed off in the first minutes and had nothing else to do than wait for the curtain call) and we jumped fences and climbed towers of pallets to chase them. I think we gave up, because the second act was about to start and we were required to stay in the dressing room.

The second act was slightly more entertaining. The freaky girl with the fetish had gone for the day and we were more free to roam the building complex. I discovered that there was a time loop in one of the rehearsal rooms where you could see any rehearsal over and over again, played out before you in 3D. This was great fun, until I realised it was a two-way time portal and that the people rehearsing could see and hear me as well. I was constantly getting in the way, and since the people in question then didn't get to rehearse uninterruptedly, I could hear them faltering even on stage in real time. One of them was in fact booed off the stage. I frantically tried to get out of the rehearsal room before ruining the career of all of the performers, but there was no door and the actors in there were now starting to look vicious.

Luckily, that was when I woke up. Hopefully tonight's show won't be as eventful, because I'm not sure my heart could handle it.

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