
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

19 August 2007

Journalism at Its Best 

Once again my "local" paper (I haven't lived there since 1996, and I haven't felt at home there since 1993, but it's still "my" town) has outdone itself with excellent journalism. I quote from their report from the football match between local 3rd division team FK Tønsberg and a team from across the Oslofjord, Sarpsborg:

"Stian Nikodemussen ble dagens mann med fire scoringer for de røde. Etter en halvtime fikk Sarpsborg Fredrik Henriksen utvist etter at han skallet ned Anders Skarbøvik. Etter utvisningen var det kun ett lag på banen. Øvrige målscorere for FK Tønsberg var Andreas Moen (3) og Kim Nysted (2)."

Translated into:

"Stian Nikodemussen became MoM with his four goals on behalf of the reds (FK Tbg, that is). 30 mins into the game Sarpsborg's Fredrik Henriksen was sent off after headbutting Anders Skarbøvik (captain, FKT). After the sending-off only one team was left on the field. Other goalscorers for FK Tønsberg were Andreas Moen (3) and Kim Nysted (2)."

First of all, don't the rules say that every team should have at least eight players on the field, otherwise the game is forfeited? Technically, if Sarpsborg had no players left after Fredrik Henriksen was sent off, they actually started with just him, which means the referee must have been bought to let them play at all. (No wonder Henriksen attacked their captain, then; he must have been terrified and really stressed out after having to cover the whole field by himself.) Or, Sarpsborg were really sore losers and left when they lost one of their players. Once again, the ref should not have let the match go on.

By the way, the match ended 9-1, which means Fredrik Henriksen should have been MoM, managing to score a goal on his own against 11 other players.

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