
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

25 October 2007

Charity and all that 

OK, so I keep complaining about the selfishness of my fellow Norwegians, but comparing this year's televised charity event in Norway to the two biggest charity events in the UK this year (Children in Need and Comic Relief (please note that the latter takes place only once every two years, but this is a comparison of what the two countries' citizens have given during the course of a year*)), Norwegians give 247%** of what the Brits do. Of course, this does only take into account how much we donate willingly and must not be confused with foreign aid (let's just say the percentage would increase quite a lot, but at the other end Norway contributes very little to the Western military aid, in which we all know Britain takes a big part...let's not enter that discussion).

*) Actually, the British figures take into account a whole year, the Norwegian just four days, but it's unlikely that people keep on giving for longer than a week, really.

**) Actual percentage, not percentage points, which usage seems to be the norm in the media nowadays so that things sound more sensational than they really are...or because in general people don't know that "100%" means "a 1:1 ratio".


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