
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

20 October 2007

Well, Now I Feel Stupid 

I always thought the main singer of this song was a woman. Well, I guess I was wrong. Still a really cool song, though (yes, I know it's very melodramatic, but nevertheless cool).



What a weird song! I don't think I've ever heard it before. Can't really blame you for thinking it was a woman though, *lol*. I've had a song like that myself, and in some ways, even though I know better, I still can't really believe that it is a man singing. I don'tknow why, but there's just something about that voice. I am talking about Placebo with "Naacy Boy". I loooove that song!

By the way; thank yo so much for your ever so nice comment on my blog. And for reading the whole bloddy thing! Yikes! Love fucking sucks!!

I am watching "Ellen", the last season. I've not seen most of the episodes before, so I am really enjoying it. I've bought the complete 5 seasons. She still cracks me up she does.

Hope you are well dear. When I read your blog I picture your face, as if I am looking straight at you. I guess that is one of the advantages of knowing the person behind the blog.

Gotta love ya!
Forresten; PUPP!!! (hehe, tok du den!?)

Kniiib Eilen Villemo :-)
Let's try to leave the dirty language out of this innocent womans blog... wait... what am I saying... be as filthy as you like!
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