
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

30 November 2007

Full Circle...and it Only Took Six Years! 

I became an anglophile in 1989, some months after I had visited England for the first time. I was watching Michael Palin going Around the World in 80 Days*. My anglophilia led me to always dream about moving to London.

My interest in (and sometimes obsession with) theatre began with hearing Philip Quast sing Stars on a Les Mis CD at a friend's during the summer of 2001. The whole thing was quite a revelation.

In 2004, while at a performance of La cage aux folles in Oslo, I had an epiphany brought on by euphoria. The epiphany let me firmly believe I was supposed to somehow end up working with theatre. This was a whole year after I had already started planning my move to London.

Yesterday I could hardly contain myself as I sat down to see Philip Quast in La cage aux folles at the Menier Chocolate Factory here in London. I couldn't quite let myself believe he was going to appear and only realised he actually was there, live in the flesh, as he stormed out on stage to the grand opening of...knocking a mic stand over. And he looked like my uncle.

Bad omen.

Fortunately, the event turned out very nicely. The dancers were good, the supporting artists were good, the stars were...well, good. Very good, in fact. But once again I am being biased and completely unable to negatively criticise a play I love. Apparently one should blog from a critical viewpoint, otherwise one cannot be taken seriously. After all, one's not supposed to fully enjoy a night out.


I liked it a lot and will spend more money there, so I don't really care about other amateur and pro critics out there who may not have loved it unequivocally.

I'm a bit worried about the long dance scene, though (the one actually NOT involving the Cagelettes). I have no idea how they are going to keep up that pace eight times a week for three months. Perhaps it helps that they cycle to work, who knows.

Anyway, this was only the third preview (the press night has been moved to the 9th of January) and I think it bodes well. And if any Quastie out there is planning to go (let's face it--who isn't), I would suggest getting a seat towards the right side of the auditorium (when facing the stage). If you're easily embarrassed, like me, stay away from the tables. Sitting by them, I mean. I would assume you wouldn't be inclined to dancing on top of them. And be there to pick up your tickets at least 30 mins before it starts; 45 mins is better (if you want a seat towards the middle). Don't bring extra clothes. Bring water instead. You'll see what I mean.

Alright, the practicalities out of the way, I have two comments about the timing: One, clearly the comic timing of saying the name "Al...bert" is MUCH easier in Norwegian simply by the way the name is being pronounced. Imagine "BERT" in Norwegian as opposed to the rather tame English "bert". Two, I am quite certain they'd harvest (more) laughter by shifting the emphasis from "If you don't open this door, I swear I'll get someone...to knock it down" to "If you don't open this door, I swear I'll...get someone to knock it down", and also, Monsieur Stafford (currently understudying for Douglas Hodge as Albin (yes, PQ plays Georges...it really is a wicked dream come true)) could get a lot of laughs out of pausing before mentioning Sybil. Just milk it.

The technicalities out of the way (after all, no one has read this far and if they have, they would know I really don't know what I'm talking about), I must say I'm impressed with my internet connection at the moment. It has only disconnected itself briefly a couple of times while I've typed this. Still, it's merely a fluke, I'm sure (optimistic as always), and it may be down again tomorrow and stay like that for days.

Mmmmmmmm...Don't Tell Me by Madonna, LOVE the video. But I digress. Perhaps I should face the fact that it's getting very late and I have to go to work in just seven hours.

Oh, by the way, those who know me very well will be pleased and utterly surprised by hearing that I have made THREE phone calls on behalf of myself in the past two days. That should last for the rest of the year, for sure! I still don't understand how I've been able to do a good job as a call centre operator for four years. *Confessions of someone with a fear of calling people*

*) Palin later made a travel series called Full Circle.

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