
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

18 January 2008

If I Could Vote in the US Elections... 

...and we could actually BELIEVE these candidates when they outlined their visions and views on goddamn everything, I would apparently agree the following percentage with the politicians in question:

88% Dennis Kucinich
87% Mike Gravel
83% John Edwards
83% Barack Obama
81% Hillary Clinton
76% Chris Dodd
75% Bill Richardson
74% Joe Biden
40% Rudy Giuliani
29% John McCain
24% Mitt Romney
23% Mike Huckabee
20% Tom Tancredo
19% Ron Paul
11% Fred Thompson

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz

I'd better go and read up on who on earth these people are, now. By the by, am I the only one still confused, after decades of being indoctrinated with the right wing versus the left wing and the blue parties versus the red here in Europe, when they see that the Republicans are red and the Democrats blue? Tut, tut.

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Dear, I think you know more about U.S. politics than I do, and I'm American. But, then, I fart in the general direction of the subject of politics. LOL!

I know. I'm pathetic. :-)
right, you are not the only one to get confused with the red/blue colours... when I saw american political shows and they referred to blue states, I was SURE they meant the southern hick states, so I couldn't figure out why new england and other liberal places were blue...

also, it seems that we agree on the political issues (surprise, surprise...) since I got pretty much the same results as you. I'm surprised dennis kucinich had good views on topics though, the only thing I knew about him is that he's an ugly little dwarf who is married to a pretty woman...

anyway, go obama! :)
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