
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

19 January 2008

Scary Stories...and Dancing! 

Having a blog search gadget on my Google homepage which constantly updates with any blogs mentioning certain people or events can lead to some very "interesting" revelations. Now, I've always found the world of fan fiction (or fanfic or FF, all depending on how deeply into the whole thing you are) to be somewhat...alien to me. And, quite frankly, rather creepy. I've also never understood the blatant hypocrisy of homophobes revelling in slash FF (boy on boy action).

I am going to be mentally scarred for life because of the visit I made earlier today via a seemingly innocent link to something Whose Line related. Seriously, people, those stories are embarrassing to read. I mean, some are very well-written, but for crying out loud, WHY would you want to experiment with...oh, never mind. I just wouldn't like to share my imaginary world in that way, but for a lot of people that seems to be a release of some sort (don't go there.)

If you're a celebrity of some sort, don't ever...and I cannot stress this enough...don't you EVER visit any fanfic site searching for your own name. You will immediately feel the urge to hire a horde of bodyguards. Oh, and some good lawyers.

In other news, I got my copy of Hairspray yesterday and straight away tricked my flatmate into watching it with me. Well, I asked her, she said yes. It IS better on the big screen and even better on stage, but it was still very funny and the music is still catchy, so I am happy overall.

I also received a tip from a friend about adding their (as in her and a few other friends) LJ's to my Google homepage, which was great! Now I can finally keep up to date on their comings and goings as I haven't been very active doing so for a couple of years. I also remembered I actually have a LiveJournal of my own, only I haven't posted anything there and I think I only opened it so that I could access a few restricted LJ's back in the day.

We seem to be going to some improv event kinda thing tonight, and have been told to have a few drinks first. I am sloshing my way into alcoholism here. But hey, I have the next three days off to recuperate.

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You know, I used to read TONS of fanfic. And holy bajeebers did I read some really awful stuff! LOL!
I guess I'm just too embarrassed to read FF...
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