
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

26 January 2008

Song No. 13,000 

Although I have listened to at least three times this number since I opened my profile on last.fm, the 13000th song scrobbled on that site was...drumroll...please... This Time by Melanie C.

Speaking of rolls...as you may have realised, I live in East London (the PRIDE of London...until I move somewhere else). It is interesting to find out what kind of populace I apparently belong to, as when I go to the station in the morning I find that the largest ad on my way there is one for Rizla. When I take the tube from East to West London it sort of goes from Hello! Magazine posters to ads about the newest production at the Royal Opera House. Mind you, I noticed that on the poster for Charlie Wilson's War on Earl's Court station today, Tom Hanks's lips had suddenly gained a bright red colour over night. So I guess you get the rubble everywhere, not just in my neighbourhood.

He looked good in that make-up, actually.

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I guess I won't mention that I'm coming close to 35,000 tracks played... Oops, I just mentioned it!
Yes, but you fail to take into account that I actually HAVE A LIFE. ;)
You just had to go there, didn't you... You can just forget about a christmas present this year! Not that I will remember this when December comes...
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