
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

26 February 2008

It All Makes Sense Now 

Why I am having such a hard time understanding America: A new study says 84% of all Americans have a faith or at least are affiliated with a religious community. The last study made in Europe shows that 10% of Norwegians claim to be religious. (Of course, 89% of Norwegians are affiliated with a church, but that seems to be mainly laziness as most are automatically members of the Lutheran state church through baptism at the age of a few months.)

But why do these so-called religious people have to be so darn hypocritical all the time? If you follow a faith there is a certain doctrine you are supposed to follow as well. You can't just pick and choose the things you like best.

And why do I always get so worked up about this? Well, I would guess it has to do with the fact that we all have religion thrust upon us wherever we go, whether we like it or not, as people unfortunately mix religion with politics. This is very frustrating.

Argh. Oh, well. Back to the laundry.


Oh, man, don't get me started. LOL!

You should go read the entry about religion I put on the blog on my own website.
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