
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

14 February 2008

Kevin and Jeff. And Laura Michelle. 

Went to see Speed-the-Plow (Mamet) yesterday and had a good time. The theatre, Old Vic, is quite possibly the worst laid out venue I have ever been to. It certainly didn't help that they had put a bar in the actual lobby. The place was packed and it was a nightmare trying to move from one end to the other.

The auditorium itself looked very nice, but the seats were too linear behind each other, so when we were sat in row U, this meant we didn't really see a lot, all depending on how much the people in front of us would wriggle about. I personally think that they should include more than just the last couple of rows in the lower ticket price band, because it's not worth it. However, I have to admit it is worth the price considering you get to see two of the best-known actors in the world in front of you for ninety minutes.

I've never been a fan of Jeff Goldblum's and honestly thought he wouldn't be as good as he was, because he always seems too laid-back and thus unprofessional when it comes to the stage. He turned out to be very entertaining to watch, though. Only wish I could have sat a bit closer, so that I, as a near-sighted person, could see his facial expressions up close. If he had any. I would assume he had at least one.

Kevin Spacey was the real reason for my going to see the play, though (having seen a Norwegian version of it in 2001 (I believe it was)). It didn't really hit me until three-fourths into the play that I was very fortunate to be allowed to see one of the true masters at work just a few metres ahead of me, so I sat up straight and squinted a little to get a proper look (it didn't work, and they all just became much more blurry; too late in the evening for my eyes to be bothered, really.)

Oh yeah, and Laura Michelle Kelly was there. She had this long monologue which impressed us quite a lot, and after the performance my flatmate and I agreed that it would make for an excellent monologue for any audition she would go to in the future.

By the way, the theatre is really close to Waterloo station. Just make sure you take the right exit and DON'T go down all the way to the South Bank to find the sign for "Old & Young Vic" which you know you saw down there on one of your random walks in the area a couple of years ago, because then you'll end up talking a much longer walk to find the theatre. Still, we did find a quaint, little shop where they make their own sweets.

In other news, Blogger/Google seem to have introduced the possibility of signing in with your OpenID when you leave comments, so now users of other blog/journal sites may use their logins there to leave me a nice/horrible message. Or they can just do what they usually do. Cry.

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