
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

19 February 2008

More Good News on the HD Front 

Apparently I was right in choosing the Blu-Ray format, as Toshiba today unsurprisingly announced they're scrapping HD DVD. Phew. This means we can all concentrate on maximising the Blu-Ray technology and updating our DVD collections to the new format, just in time for the next generation format switch. Grr.

Extremely happy about Five US showing the (in my mind) infamous episode 8021 of Whose Line (US) with the Spineless Man superhero yesterday. Le Proops sigh. All in all a VERY likable episode.

I received two film boxsets in the post yesterday--one with Peter Sellers, but not the usual films you would see in such a set (since I already have most of those, ahem), more like the earlier films. The other was a set of five Fritz Lang films and that was real value for money! They were all more or less special editions, with lots of special features and booklets etc. Much more than I had anticipated! Unfortunately I am rather anal and wanted to watch them in chronological order, meaning I would have had to start with the 4 1/2-hour-long Dr. Mabuse - The Gambler, so that never materialised and I went back to playing Civilization IV (badly, I might add.) Oh, well. There's always next...year.

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