
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

14 February 2008

Sing Hallelujah! Or Just Rock Around the Clock for a Bit 

New episodes of Whose Line today, one of them with Greg Proops. I was so chuffed I almost made a crazy dance in my room, but then I remembered I am supposed to be a grown-up.

So...who did they think they were fooling with those old episodes, pretending they were from 2005/2006? There is no doubt that they stopped filming the series back in 2003, perhaps 2004. We have eyes and they are actually connected to our minds, which can do logic. You see, people tend to change their looks over the years. Some people lose their hair, some get more wrinkles, others change their glasses. The episodes shown in 2005/2006 seem to be from the filming of the first series, actually. Especially considering they're mostly wearing the same clothes as on the first series DVDs. Tsk, tsk.

ANYWAY. Just watched the first episode of The Big Bang Theory and I wasn't laughing out loud more than once, but the Barenaked Ladies did the title song, so think I'll give it a few more weeks.

Oh, and people are starting to follow my lead and are now boycotting the Beijing Olympics. Good!

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