
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

02 March 2008

Close Encounters of the Nature Kind 

On my way home from work yesterday I went the usual way through the local slums in the semi-darkness (hey, East London isn't dangerous at night, is it? It's been at least 24 hours since the last murder!) and as I turned around the corner I saw a big cat moving towards me on the pavement. As it clearly decided to avoid me and turned right into the street, I realised this was no ordinary cat. In fact, it wasn't even feline; it was an urban fox. Well, I assume it was urban, unless it was just visiting family and had taken a wrong turn somewhere. I felt I had to stop and watch this phenomenon (and immediately worried about it being run over by a car, but then remembered it probably knows how to read traffic better than I ever will) before moving on after it disappeared out of sight.

This morning I was almost attacked by a squirrel. Well, it just sat there looking at me from the top of a fence in the park where it resides, but I bet it could have turned very vicious if it wanted to.

In between these two encounters, I made my way home in time for the aforementioned Ant and Dec's Saturday Takeaway. My plan was to play a bit of The Sims 2 after that, but by the time the programme ended, I was too hungry to ignore my rumbling tummy and naturally, since I am unable to eat without watching something on telly, ended up watching an episode of Alias. By the time it ended, we switched to BBC1 to watch the first episode of the second series of Love Soup with the brilliant Tamsin Greig in it, and after that I felt like watching an episode of Whose Line for some reason. We both sat down to watch the Peter Cook episode for the first time, after which we were so embarrassed we had to watch another episode just to start believing in the human race again. Naturally, having seen two episodes in row, we were on a roll and immediately put on another one, this time with Jonathan Pryce (looking like a mid-1990s Mike Rutherford.) And since there were two episodes with him on that particular disc, we couldn't stop after just one. By the time that one ended, there was only one episode left on the disc, and it would have been mean to leave it there unwatched, so at around midnight we were finally done with the first disc. Oh, my.

At least I slept most of the night and I got a seat on both tube trains this morning (hardly happens during the week), so that was a nice start to a new day.

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