
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

27 April 2008

Liam Fancies U! 

There's this crude graffiti somewhere on my way to work which always makes me laugh (well, ok, I'm down to merely giggling now). It says:

"Rebecca, Liam fancies U! Yes! U!!"

The other day my itsy bitsy world became complete when I noticed that on the three Bottom DVD's I bought, ooh, about half a year ago and still haven't unwrapped, there is the beloved Bottom Fluff collection. I have nearly worn out my old Fluff VHS, so that was very lucky. It's a smashing 45 minutes of outtakes and extended scenes from the three series. *le sigh* I also noticed, since I simply had to unwrap the first DVD to watch the first two and most brilliant episodes, that the intro features what must be the building site for the shopping centre I now walk through on my way to work. Took me a bit of time figuring out which way they were facing, but once I spotted the tube station it was pretty easy.

I'm going to hear the Philharmonic Orchestra tonight. Bad planning, though, as the Jubilee Line is partly closed (the part I use), which means what would have been a quick trip home after the concert, now has turned into an all-nighter. Well, I may be exaggerating a little bit there. Still, after a long day at work I just hope I can stay awake through it all. I happen to know that the symphony in the second part (Mahler's first) can be both relaxing and exciting, so that's going to be interesting.

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How come Liam doesn't fancy me? LOL!
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