
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

15 April 2008

One of Those Days 

Today has been a weird day. I came back home late last night after a long weekend at my parents' in Norway, and basically went to bed straight away, at around 1:30. Five hours later I woke up and eventually got up to face a new day. Someone had promised me that TODAY would DEFINITELY be the day when City Link would get a fucking grip.

So after a shower I went online to track my package. It had been sent back to the seller on the 12th. I was furious and typed an angry email to the seller, who shortly after promised me the world and gave me the choice between getting a refund and getting a replacement. I postponed my decision and watched an episode of Doctor Who instead.

After a phone conversation with my mum (yes, I did arrive safely, and so did all the crisps I had bought,) my mobile rang. The lucky buyer of my old telly wanted to know if I would be home a few hours later. Since I was foreseeing enough to plan my holiday in such a way I would have a spare day after my visit to Norway, I had no plans, so we made an agreement.

Then someone popped up on our intercom screen, stating they had a parcel for me. Since I wasn't expecting anything, I was sure it would be for my flatmate, and let him in. When he finally arrived at my door (after a prolonged trial and error in the lift, slowly figuring out which floor we live on,) I realised he was carrying The Long Lost Item Of Much Despair And Gnashing Of Teeth. I said "but it's confirmed as having been sent back to the seller three days ago!" He couldn't explain that.

Anyway, TLLIOMDAGOT (AKA "my new bedroom telly") is finally in da house. I celebrated by watching an episode of Waking the Dead (yum,) before feeling restless and wanting to re-install Windows 98 onto my computer. This turned out to be a BIG mistake. I had completely forgotten that I now operate with a sole SATA hard drive, which isn't even supported in that ancient operating system, and everything went haywire. So I have spent the past six hours (minus one hour for Waking the Dead again) reconfiguring my desktop through the tried and tested Let's See What This Does, As It Cannot Possibly Make Things Any Worse method, which, after all, had got me into the mess in the first place. Let's just say I was very happy I could go online with my trusty laptop computer when all I got on my desktop one was a "Missing Operating System" error, LOL!

Must remember to make backups of the system more often, just in case.

So I wasted half of today on stupid things (although I did learn a few new things about computers.) Back to work tomorrow, but luckily it's half a shift only, so I'll actually have the whole weekend off, yay!

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What in the hell would possess you to install Windows 98??

I finally got tired of screwing around with the operating system problems on one of my laptops and dealing with Microshaft, and I installed Linux. :-D
Well, I wanted to play some of my old games, and since practically NOTHING works with Vista... :p

Linux is great for programming and general geekness, but I am a major GAMER, so unfortunately that leaves me with very little choice; it's adding to Bill Gates's fortune or nothing.
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