
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

22 April 2008

The Tetris Effect 

The Tetris Effect is something which occurs when you have played perhaps a bit too much Tetris or any other, highly addictive computer game. You start dreaming about Tetris and try to move blocks in your mind when you're awake. When I have had bouts of playing Tetris, Talismania, Bejeweled or Puzzle Quest, I even picture moving furniture about in order to make an unbroken line, or I rearrange sentences in my mind so that three or more letters are next to each other. This is the perfect sign that you seriously need to do something else with your free time.

In other, gaming-related news, someone found an unreleased Atari 2600 game in a flea market and the city of Chicago pulls GTA IV ads because they are deemed dangerous. Apparently the ads have led to violence in the previously peaceful city. And the gamers are commenting away...

Personally, I have been looking forward to GTA IV for so long I have a feeling I will be exhausted and disappointed by the time it arrives in the post. But of course, playing it is the only thing to do when PS Home is pushed back to 2009 (AKA sometime between 2010-2020) and we're still waiting for Spore to arrive. In my desperation I picked up Final Fantasy XII again last night, about an hour before I really should have been asleep. I hadn't played it since May of last year, and I feel an urge to restart the whole thing, since I'd forgotten who everyone was. Of course, once I start playing ONE Final Fantasy game, I always want to play ALL THE OTHERS I HAVE (I have most of them, on different platforms), preferably simultaneously. Argh! Something for my holiday, I suppose, whenever that may occur.

In completely unrelated news, it seems we're getting a taste of summer this week! Nice. Let's hope it's not just a teaser for something which ultimately will be cancelled by the evil weather gods due to VERY popular demand!


Lordy, as big of a geek as I am, I never have been a gamer. Good thing, too, cuz my hemorrhoids would be even worse than they already are. LOL!
LOL! Well, I won't try and persuade you into trying games like The Sims and Civilization and Puzzle Quest etc., then.
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