
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

30 May 2008

Europe a Bigger Gaming Market than the US 

...and yet we have to be very patient. Now, it should come as no great surprise to my two and a half regular readers (hi!) that I am an avid gamer and simply cannot stop mentioning games at every opportunity I get. So here comes yet another rant.

I sometimes hate publishers of games. I love the developers, but the publishers are the money-grabbing bastids who can only see the monetary value of everything (let's face it; they're not doing this for charity), and they decide where the games should be released (first). I would love to have a common release schedule for the whole world, really. That would be Utopia for me (yes, to hell with socialism; hungry African children should fend for themselves, because The Real Utopia is where entertainment flows freely :p ). Imagine films, games and music being released at the same time, all over the world. And none of those ridiculous "regions" on DVDs, Blu-Rays and console games. I think it's brilliant that PS3 games are region free (helped me get one of my current favourites; a baseball game which will probably never be released over here), but I'm still miffed that some of the best RPGs for the Playstation and SNES, for instance, were never released in Europe. Chrono Trigger, anyone? Grr...

Of course, life is more than just gaming.

LOL! Who am I kidding? But it sounded GOOD, right?


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