
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

15 May 2008

Stark Raving... 

Yeah, I went to see Iron Man yesterday, in a very drafty cinema (I think they call it "air-conditioned"). I want Tony Stark's technology. Now. The film itself was predictable, sentimental and ludicrous, but as a growing Marvel fan and an old Robert Downey, Jr. fan, I liked the film. It has some really cool effects and must be seen on the big screen, then bought on Blu-Ray (until the next-gen next-gen technology comes out, of course).

I got Shallow Hal in the post yesterday and started watching it before going to the cinema (so all in all a day full of Gwyneth Paltrow). It was the fourth time I have seen that film and I think it's really funny. Silly, but funny. Especially funny is VERY Italian-American Joe Viterelli (R.I.P.) as Gwyneth's Irish dad. Interesting casting.

Lately I have also read through a few books. Eats, Shoots & Leaves was particularly educational, and just proves that I may calm down; I have to follow my instincts when it comes to punctuation and not let the grammatically challenged emails I get at work every day fool me. The quality is decreasing every day, and as a foreigner I keep telling myself "these people should know better than I do; it's their language, after all". But then I realise they haven't actually learnt much grammar in school for decades now. In fact, I have probably been taught more English grammar than most of these people ever will. Sad, but true.

Other books I've been reading lately, include The World According to Humphrey, which I actually got as an audio book, so technically I haven't read it. So much better listening to Greg Proops reading it, though. Cool use of voices. And now I want a hamster again.

Anyway, I'm going to watch Gamespot's On the Spot live now.

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