
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

04 June 2008

Allam Addendum 

Regarding my last post; I did not mean I am a clinically insane stalker fan who should already have had a minimum of three restraining orders against her. I do not, for instance, buy Alan Rickman's suit from "Galaxy Quest". Just needed to get that off my chest.

Besides, I haven't quite entered complete fandom of Allam yet. I'll let you know once I come to the conclusion it's about time we send out wedding invitations. For now, it's The Three and a Half Musketeers for me (Quast, Storhøi, Proops, with Rickers on back-up).

I just bought the Eurovision Song Contest album. Guess it didn't feel right I'd only skipped through the songs. After all; who'd've thought I would end up loving Ukraine's entry from last year, after repeated brainwashing play? To even things out, I threw in a pre-order of Weezer's new album (that's the third album they've named "Weezer") and Barenaked Ladies's newest. I still love the fact that BNL made the intro music for The Big Bang Theory.

Looking forward to tomorrow's Afterlife (even though it means I have to actually leave the house). Always excited about a new Michael Frayn play. Would recommend his Alarms and Excursions. Ooh, and Potter's Blue Remembered Hills is showing on BBC4 tomorrow evening. Don't miss it!

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