
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

29 June 2008

Doctor Where? 

Re: Yesterday's episode of Doctor Who: WTF?

Looking forward to spending the next three days blowing up people in Crysis and kicking their heads in in Neverwinter Nights 2. I think I may need a break from the customers after this crazy shift.

Friday's "date" with Cato was very nice; we found an Indian restaurant with no guests and too many waiters, but the food was good and not too expensive. Then we went to this pub I go past every single day to and fro work, but which I have never entered before. They had both Bacardi Breezers and Kopparbergs Cider, so we were safe. Then suddenly my watch showed 21:50, in the middle of our discussion on politics, and since I had to go to work the next day, I had to go home. Darn. Oh well.

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Funny you posted about Doctor Who. I just started watching this season last night. Have to catch up, so I can discuss it with you. :-D
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