
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

07 July 2008

Grrr...eat Start! 

Great start to the morning; Hugh Bonneville is on BBC Breakfast and I can see him but not hear him (the telly is in another room, and there is a glass wall between us). Did I set my DVR before I left home? Did I fuck. Does the Beeb offer Breakfast on their iPlayer? Nuh-uh. Grrrrrrrr.

Anyway, yesterday didn't quite pan out as planned; I ended up leaving the pub (after my first lock-in, which was very nice) at one o'clock, not nine as first intended. Then we went to Victoria to find a mini cab, but ended up taking the night bus instead. After a quick semi-dinner I eventually went to bed at 2.45, only to wake up four hours later wondering what the hell I was thinking the night before.

I am in a bit of a daze now, and I am sure it will last throughout the day, but my brain seems to be working enough for me to be able to do my job, at least. Let's just hope there won't be too much to do today.

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