
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

07 July 2008

This is Clearly Not My Day 

Turns out Dennis Storhøi has been cast in Les Miserables in Oslo next year. If this means the role of Javert, I am going to be very cross indeed, as I have checked prices and it's going to cost me at least 300 pounds travelling to and staying in Oslo for one night, plus of course the ticket to the show, and then I always end up buying lots of stuff I don't need (Norwegian crisps, for instance).

However...it would be too fantastic to miss if he were Javert (I find that hard to believe, though); then the Storhøi/Quast Circle would definitely have been complete.

All I would need then would be the Ultimate Norwegian Cast of Noises Off..., and I could die happy.

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