
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

10 July 2008

You Have Got to be Joking! 

Europe is still waiting for Rock Band to be released, nearly a year after its US release, and now Harmonix have announced that Rock Band 2 will arrive in the US by Q4 this year. That is just taking the piss.

Besides that, I have spent the entire day in Neverwinter, eagerly (and pointlessly) awaiting The Witcher to be delivered. Let's cross our fingers for a Thursday delivery instead, then. We had planned to go to see a film tomorrow, though (Hancock). We'll see.

Ooh, by the way; Bonekickers must surely be some of the crappiest drama to come out of the BBC in the past decade or so? The only reason I was still watching after 15 minutes, was Hugh Bonneville, but I'm not sure even he can save this piece of horse manure. It reminded me why I can't stand the preposterous, imaginary world of Dan Brown. Paul Rhys was fucking brilliant, though. Wow, what a creepy character. Anyhoo, off to bed.

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