
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

05 July 2008


I am so incredibly sleepy today. I have a creeping feeling that signing up for a ticket for tonight's performance of Canterbury Tales as well as yesterday may have been a very bad move. The performance was good and I had lots of fun (especially afterwards), but after having had a few drinks (and started speaking much better English, by the way; strange how that always happens) I stayed way too long and eventually went to bed at 1:30, after a hasty dinner (Chinese takeaway). This wouldn't have been too bad, had it not been for the fact that I then only had about four and a half hours of sleep before getting up to go to work. I sounded like Victor Meldrew when I woke up and looked at the time.

Anyway. Big surprise to see Nicola Walker hanging about reading the paper at the tube station. I was two seconds away from throwing myself at her feet and begging her to get back and save Spooks.

Well, gotta run. Ta-ta!

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I would have paid to see you do that. LOL!
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