
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

18 August 2008

Geeky Ocelot Goodness 

Uhmm, yeah, well, I bought the ticket in early May on the completely unconfirmed rumour in a blog that Greg Proops was going to appear at The Comedy Store here in London on the 17th of August, and boy, was I nervous all yesterday! The nerves vanished when I could finally rest my gaze at...the back of his head as he went past us about an hour before the show was about to start. I knew he was there due to the sudden whiff of increased oestrogen in the air (ew?), mixed with a lot of "OMG! He's here!" shouts emerging from the crowd of mostly female weirdos students (products of the fact that the apparently neverending re-run schedule of Whose Line programmes are shown mostly during the early afternoon here these days) in front of me. I was happy I didn't know them. Sure as hell, though, one of those was the one starting the aforementioned rumour, so I should probably send out a big "hello and thanks" to her.

It was definitely worth it. I laughed so much my stomach still hurts. Really. I guess I should have stretched before going to bed.

Someone had to suggest "an ocelot" for one of the sketches; not a huge surprise as the audience consisted of what seemed to be mainly Proopstermaniacs, and ocelots being one of his trademarks...sort of. Kind of like Eddie Izzard being awfully fond of Jeff, jam and James Mason (you know what I mean, if you have seen his shows).

Andy Smart was very funny, Neil Mullarkey annoying (but funny at times), and Steve Frost and Josie Lawrence two real treats. Loved to hear Josie swearing. Steve's 'tache kind of scared me. Oh, and the venue itself did not look like I have been picturing it for the last eight months. Tsk, tsk.

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Oh, look at it! It's so purdy! :-D

I'm glad you had a great time. Belly pain from laughing so hard is the best kind!
LOL, well, it IS purdy if you're mad as a hatter, like me. :D
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