
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

18 September 2008


I went to see Riflemind yesterday, at the Trafalgar Studios, after a nice meal at the local Garfunkel's. I liked it, but it wasn't too straight-forward a play. Lots of angst-ridden scenes between middle-aged has-beens desperately trying to get back together for one more tour with the band. Or desperately trying to dodge it, all depending on their current mood, state of mind and amount of drugs in their system. I thought it would be more fun, but by all means, it wasn't meant to be a comedy. There were a couple of monologues there that could have been shrunk in my opinion; people started getting restless and drifting their gaze around the auditorium. But hey, these things may be ironed out by the time you may end up going; after all, it was the third preview and both the writer and director were there (Philip "Only one of the Best Actors EVER" Seymour Hoffman, the director, actually spent the whole of the second act looking at the audience's reactions--or he has a perverted side we just don't know anything about). It has to be said, of course, that the actors themselves were terrific. I have a soft spot for Paul Hilton, but John Hannah and both of the Aussie actors (Jeremy Sims and OMG, I've forgotten the name of the other one, please forgive me) were a treat to watch as well. I wasn't too sure about one of the wives to begin with (played by Susan Prior), but I eventually realised that the character she portrayed simply was a neurotic wreck, hehe! Anyway, the ensemble work was very good; they seemed to have been putting a lot of focus on the timing, which was quite impressive after such a short time of rehearsals and performances.

Which reminds me I have to buy the absolutely hilarious Still Crazy on DVD. My VHS copy is almost worn out.

Completely unrelated, but still very important bit of news: I just discovered Sagaen om Isfolket (The Legend of the Ice People) is finally being translated into English! Read all about it here.

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I've never even heard of that play. It would be so awesome to live in that area and be so close to the theatre district. Like you, I'd be checking out everything.
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