
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

20 September 2008

Saturday? Really? 

Feels like Sunday.

The doorbell woke me this morning at around half eight. Thinking it was the postman (=fun), I ran out, dressing on the way there, and made some noise to make them realise someone was indeed stirring behind the door somewhere, and please don't go away. However, the glee was short-lived, as it turned out to be a repairman I had completely forgot was supposed to come here today. After barely five hours of sleep, this was not a pleasant surprise. Still, made me get up and actually do something.

Besides, the postman came right after the repairman had left.

I have spent the day moving the rest of my CDs to my hard drive, plus watching a lot of Whose Line (I cannot believe that after having waited for that particular episode for more than eight months, they end up censoring the whole of Greg's dominatrix segment of episode no. 404!) (by the by, Drew Carey's homophobia is beginning to tire me...but then again, he's not a good improviser, much because he is embarrassed too easily), Sliding Doors (because I am a hopeless romantic) and a couple of episodes of A Country Practice (still on series two), plus I've played some Colin McRae's Dirt. This evening I have been laughing a lot during a very nice chat with Lee and Lori, which I believe lasted almost three hours! (Still four more hours to go before we break our old record, but that was a very long time ago, and I have to admit I was younger and less prone to falling asleep at the keyboard then).

This week I have been hooked on a few songs by Alphabeat, Regina Spektor and also Simple Minds's Glittering Prize and, of all things, Summertime by NKOTB. Oh my.

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