
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

09 October 2008

Heh, Almost Forgot... 

Since we went to the theatre way too early on Tuesday (after a short meal at Burger King and then getting the hell out of there due to Leicester Square being filled with silly teens screaming at their High School Musical 3 (yes! THREE! I don't see why they bothered making the first one!) idols (the premiere was on)), we hung about the Wyndham's for a while. At one point I said "could we just nip around the corner, to see The Blue Door (as in "the infamous blue door from Alan Rickman's run in Private Lives at the Albery (now Noël Coward) in 2001")?", and so we did. Within just a few minutes we spotted two theatre celebs; Daniel Boys (I had completely forgot Avenue Q is showing at the Noël Coward) and Douglas Hodge. I was very, very close to running up to the latter to say how much I loved him in La Cage at the Menier, but then I remembered I didn't, really, and commented to C instead that "that guy's been making out with Philip every night for months", as he turned the corner. It would have been funner if I had said it really loudly, of course.

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