
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

10 January 2009

Golden Oldies / Olden Goldies 

Sometimes I wish I had a time machine so that I could go back to the 30s and 40s to experience cinema back then (yes, I would probably do other, more sensible things with a time machine, too). I was just watching The Big Sleep and thinking "ok, I bet this was a great night out back in 1945, but in 2009 it's a bit too long for my taste". Of course, Philip Marlowe is a super-cool detective (I refuse to use the word "dick"), and he seems to be a gun magnet, but the film could have been cut to one hour thirty minutes without losing any vital information. Still, it's nice to see a film without outrageous fighting scenes; apparently in the 40s people actually got hurt after a few punches, but nowadays people can take 150 blows to the head without flinching. Somehow I have a feeling filmmakers in the 40s were slightly more realistic...

OK, onto the next film! It's supposed to be a mediocre one, so not particularly looking forward to it (Before Winter Comes), but it does have David Niven in it.

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I thought 'The Big Sleep' very entertaining, although the plot is so convoluted that they say even Chandler didn't know who committed one murder. Aug
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