
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

17 January 2009

No FFXIII Just Yet 

I have to admit this actually cheers me up a little bit. No Final Fantasy XIII until 2010 for those of us who don't know any Japanese. This gives me more time to finish...ooh, let's see...Final Fantasy IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII. I became a fan of the series as recent as August 2004, but since then I have been buying just about any RPG by Squaresoft/Square Enix I can get my hands on. I have yet to finish any of them, LOL! Not that I give up, it's just that there is simply too much to explore and I honestly don't really want to finish a Square game, either, because then I feel as if I'm leaving friends behind...or maybe that's just a lame excuse to start playing a different game once I hit an obstacle. ;-)

In other news, I'm going home for the day! Yay! And there's fuck all on telly tonight, so Final Fantasy VI, here I come!


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