
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

17 January 2009

Once Again, the Man in the Street Suffers... 

The newest thing to make our lives more complicated because of the minority of people who do things illegally, is real-time card fraud checks. Lovely. So, due to people who like to blow themselves up because they have been brainwashed by cowardly religious fanatics, flying is a mess. Due to crackers finding ways around copy protection measures even days before a computer game is released, people with legal copies will most probably get spyware SecuROM etc. installed on their computers without their knowledge. And now, due to people who can't be arsed to get a job and earn money the lawful way, we may not be able to use our money freely because there is a risk of card fraud.

I know, I know..."you'd regret it if these measures weren't in place and you became a victim". The point is I am sick and tired of these low-lives making things more difficult for the rest of us. I'm mad at them (and EA/Electronic Arts).

In other news, I watched Slumdog Millionaire with my posse the other day, and it was a nice film. Perhaps a little bit too long, but well deserving of its accolades so far in the award season.

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The Inga-crew?
Hee hee, funny!
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