
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

25 January 2009

Sony - The Evil Master of the World? 

I realised the other day that the number of Sony gadgets in my home has increased almost without my noticing it. It all started with a MD player I bought back in 1999 or 2000, and I have now accumulated a Sony Playstation 2, a Sony Playstation 3, a Sony DVD recorder, a Sony LCD-TV and a Sony Walkman (mp3). I am sure it is part of their evil plot to gradually take over the world.

I am very happy with these products, though, so it doesn't really matter to me.

I was watching an episode of the first series of The House of Eliott earlier today, when I just couldn't shake the feeling that one of the guest stars looked familiar, and at the same time I felt he didn't quite belong there. It was as if I didn't think of him as an avtor. At one point I thought he was connected to royalty somehow. When the credits rolled I realised I was sort of right in both ways; it was Michael Grandage, esteemed theatre director!

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