
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

28 April 2009

About Last Night... 

Right. I had another two-part dream last night. First off was my CIA initiation test. I didn't know it at the time, but the CIA had sent two retired agents (as in 'retired about 20 years ago') to follow me around as I went elk and/or grouse hunting with Victoria Beckham (I never EVER thought I'd ever mention that name on my blog), from here on in simply called Posh. She wasn't too keen on going hunting (and neither should I have been, as I reckon hunting as a sport is vile), so I guess it was just as well that the Jeep I had borrowed from Chris Barrie (I watched him driving around in a military Jeep on Massive Speed before going to bed) had just about 400 different locks; it took me so long to get into the car it had gone dark by the time I was sat behind the wheel. Posh told me not to worry, as she had a magical bottle which was "simply amazing". You see, when you filled it with water, and here was the clever part, it magically became full of water. She was grinning so proudly I didn't have the heart to tell her she was being incredibly stupid and should go away and rot somewhere.

Anyway, after our rather failed hunting trip, I never really figured out whether I'd got the CIA job as a freelance agent, as I was whisked off to ITV to watch another Parky chat show as a member of the audience. Memory lapse there, clearly, as he had his last chat show some time ago, but hey ho. There I witnessed real magic, as Philip Quast was one of the interviewees, and John Barrowman another. They were reminiscing back to the eighties (don't know why, as they didn't work together until The Fix in the mid-to-late nineties), and then Parky started reminiscing about the sixties, getting a blank stare from everybody, before John leapt into PQ's lap and started singing very, VERY loudly. It was all slightly horrible and cringing to watch, and even more cringing when I woke up and realised it all came from my mind.

I am, clearly, looking forward to La Cage, though. Again. This time with added Roger Allam, currently seen in Ashes to Ashes (yesterday seen a bit too much, perhaps, in that series? I leave it up to personal taste and inclination to decide, hehe!), and I believe he is appearing in another series in a bit; don't quite remember what it was, but something fantasy- or sci-fi-themed, I seem to remember. Big project. Prolly the Beeb. Ah, who cares, something or other I'm bound to watch, at least.

I still cannot believe I missed Allam in Privates on Parade - only one of my favourite musicals. Grrr.

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