
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

09 April 2009

The Green Thing with Wheels 

We got to see the Carbug yesterday! I am so psyched. Danny John-Jules, Robert Llewellyn and Wonderboy were there, too. Got to film them for a bit. Grabbed a USB stick off some pretty ladies standing there. Well, I say 'grabbed', and I say 'pretty', but...anyway... The USB stick was pretty cool. Red Dwarf stuff. I may have a new ringtone. I am mostly chuffed about the Jensen Interceptor being mentioned in the new episodes. By Wonderboy. Naturally.

And now I have a Twitter account. Silly me. Follow me here. Not quite sure why you would, though. And Twitter has got to be the least privacy-minded site out there. Apart from any government-related site, of course, since those guys seem to be leaving and showing off top secret documents all over the place. Oh my gog! So, just with a simple click you know my name (well...nearly).

Anyway, photographic evidence:

The carbug.

Wonderboy. Probably wondering why he hasn't got a restraining order on me.

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