
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

02 April 2009

Must. Stop. Visiting. The. Red. Dwarf. Forum. 

I seriously have to stop winding myself up by visiting The Red Dwarf forum several times an hour these days. These guys have some interesting theories about what is going to happen in the new Back to Earth special, and kind of ruin it for me. I would rather be surprised during the actual screening (eight days to go, eight days to go!) than having every possible outcome listed in front of me, leaving very little to the imagination.

In anticip............................................ation (see? I still keep my mind occupied with references to other films and TV programmes) of the Greatest Red Dwarf Event of the Year (the only, actually), I went out and bought no less than two silly TV guides the other day, in addition to RadioTimes which I already subscribe to, and SFX Magazine (which a co-worker thought read "SEX"--he was slightly bemused). Shame on me! But they all have different photos, you see, and since I am probably never going to look at those ever again unless I borrow someone's scanner and digitise them, it's vital that I have as many different versions as humanly possible.

Oh, anyway. Everyone keeps going on and on and on ad nauseam about their loooooooooooooooooooooooong Easter holiday these days, and I'm sitting here thinking the only good thing about Easter (although it DOES count as at least 20 good things rolled into one, to be honest) is the already quietly mentioned Red Dwarf specials on Dave, and the fact that I still haven't opened the Easter-themed bags of marzipan, chocolates and Seigmenn I got for my birthday in March. I am going to work throughout Easter (let's hope the trains are running), so everyone else can just fuck off with their holidays and all that crap. Blech.

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