
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

11 April 2009

Red Dwarf BTE Episode 1 

Oh, wow. Visiting the Red Dwarf forum I just have to comment upon last night's first outing of Series VIII.5, as I like to call it.

First of all. People who claim they're fans and then go on about how surprised they were at there not being any 'canned laughter' (a mistake in itself, btw, as Red Dwarf has always had a studio audience or an audience viewing the actual episode, and canned laughter is something entirely different and highly annoying) - if they're such big fans, shouldn't they have read up on the new 'series' a little bit beforehand? We have been informed of the new format time and time again.

Secondly. The adverts came slightly abruptly. The first ad break I actually thought, if only for a split second, 'surely Mitchell and Webb aren't part of the RD crew?'

Thirdly. Yes, it should have been shown in one go...then again they are doing that on Monday, and personally I think it's great that they're spreading this thing across the whole weekend, as that means the end is further away. I'm lousy at goodbyes, you see. I'm still suffering from slight depression brought on by Stoke Me a Clipper from series 7 (which also happens to be my favourite episode, if only by a smidgen compared to whichever episode I deem to be the runner-up (the jury is still out on that one, and probably will be indefinitely, as it's very difficult to choose favourites among such great episodes)).

Fourth. I'm amazed at how little people seem to know about how TV works. Maybe I am being too harsh, and that I just happen to be rather geeky about it. People seem to think that ratings show the actual number of people watching a programme, and that if they get all their mates to watch the show, it will help. It won't. I used to work for TNS and they put these digital boxes in selected homes, give everyone in the household their own code, connect all the PVRs etc. to the system so that every bit of viewing and taping in that particular household is monitored. Not many people therefore create the basis for the viewing figures; figures that will just be extrapolated to form an approximate ratings overview. I think it's silly, really. Let's say none of the UK's selected 5000 households (yes, only 5000 households! Preposterous!) contain a Red Dwarf fan (I know, unbelievable, but possible). The ratings would then be completely off. Unfortunately, in our day and age, we're dominated by ratings (luckily not to the extent the US of A are). In my view this is paving the way for low-quality telly, but then again, seems we're heading for a dumbed-down society as a whole anyway. /rant.

Fifth. Perhaps I should comment upon the contents of the episode itself, but I won't just yet. Just have to mention that yes, I did laugh a few times, and I actually managed to snort and spit a little bit of pizza across the table at the "ferrety face" comment. I still don't know how I did that.

Sixth. Awaiting the next few episodes with glee! Also smegups-o-rama tonight (no doubt I have seen them all before, numerous times, but that's the best bit as you see the actors behind the characters...and is how I became a fan of Barrie-boy (not to be confused with 'batty boy', which is a whole different game of cricket)), and 'making of' tomorrow! Eeexcellent.

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