
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

26 April 2009

Twitter-Paranoia, a Definition 

After two and a half weeks of tweeting (wow, has it really been that long already?), I have happened upon quite a few different personalities. By all means not (yet) being an expert on the twitterverse, I have, however, made a few observations.

One of these is the paranoia which happens to people when they keep tweeting with, or rather to celebrities and then never get a reply. There is an increasing desperation in their tweets, thinking they're not funny enough to be noticed, failing to see that these celebs actually have thousands, if not tens of thousands of followers and simply cannot possible reply to each and every one. So they choose the funniest, and...oh, right. I guess they're right in being paranoid, then.

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Good thing you're not a celebrity. You're the only one I'm following. Heh.
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