
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

01 May 2009

Sudden Burst of Energy! 

I had this surge of energy flowing through my body just now; brought on by an instant of feeling elated and euphoric, really. I love those moments. Too bad they don't last very long, but it does help creating inspiration for the remainder of the day, I find.

Well, it may seem like I'm lapping up anything that's posted on Twitter, but there are a few things I have to share now and then because I agree with them or feel the same way. Today it's Robert Llewellyn's musings on Twitter itself - he's had some (and I say some) bad feedback when plugging his excellent online show Carpool on Twitter, but hey, a good thing cannot be repeated too often, can it? (Well, to be honest, it can, but I don't think Llewellyn's overstepped that mark - there are way more annoying tweeters on my list that I still follow, so it's just a matter of patience and the ability to ignore certain tweets and re-tweets, I guess. Also, I am biased, since I like the show so much.)

In other news, yesterday's celebration of Queen Beatrix didn't pan out very well for a handful of people; sad to see that the one time one of my favourite countries is in the news, it's because of some tragic event. Apparently the driver died earlier this morning.

Also, I think eating noodles in the office should be punishable by death. Or at least banned. Every bloody day someone (usually several people) in this office eats stinky noodles, with all the slurping that brings. I mean, for gog's sake, how difficult could it be to go somewhere else for those 15 minutes? And why the hell do they need to eat no less than three meals each during office hours? At different times, of course, so that we're basically listening to slurping all day long.

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