
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

11 March 2010

Lightning and Snow and...Hope? 

I am talking about Final Fantasy XIII, not some weird weather phenomenon.

So, that game arrived the other day. The day which from now on will be known as The Day Before Corey Haim Died. Or it would've been, if I were a huge fan of his. Which I'm not. Although I do believe that with all these 80s idols dying we may soon have to wave goodbye to that decade and realise we have to ditch the shoulder pads and move on.

But I digress. Now, FFXIII has been on my wishlist for a bit. We started hearing about it in...2006? Perhaps 2007. Although I've only known about the Final Fantasy universe since I got my first ever console as late as 2004, I've become an avid admirer of the series and own most of the titles. Some even in different versions. So I was looking forward to this new thing. I should probably state that I've yet to finish any of the previous games (but I think I'm very close on FFIX), but no matter, as they have nothing to do with each other. I was getting a bit sceptical when people who'd tried the Japanese version (released a few months ago) sounded let down by the whole thing, that "graphics aren't everything" and that it was too linear.

Now that I've tried it myself, my first impression is "Wow! *drool*" about the graphics, and "I can get used to this" about the fighting system. I honestly didn't really notice that for the first time the protagonist/leader is female, because, frankly, these JRPG characters all look the same anyway. She could as well have been the usual adolescent male protagonist. I actually like the start, where it is 99% linear (you do have a couple of chances to decide whether you should go down a certain path to look for treasure or not) and you are gradually introduced to the fighting system, weapon upgrading, levelling up etc. I also absolutely adore games where I have to micromanage everything, so if it continues like this throughout (I'm told that after chapter ten things will change), I may feel robbed of a better experience, but I like to keep an open mind and would give Final Fantasy quite a bit of leeway even on a bad day. We'll see!

However, having got the game halfway through my shift, it means I spend my whole day at work just thinking about the game and going home to play it. Heavy Rain was so disappointingly short (and I really couldn't care less about re-playing it)--I finished it in one sitting, damn it!--that I really would like for this to just last and last and last. Knowing me, it will, as I never finish these games anyway.


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