
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

22 October 2010

Are You Looking Forward to These? 

The King's Speech - released in January 2011. I can't wait to see Geoffrey Rush again!

Also, I hear there's a tiny film called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 awaiting release in a few weeks' time.

Haven't been to the cinema since January. Looking forward to HP; it's always been a must-see on the big screen first, then repeated viewing on DVD and nowadays Blu-Ray. I totally missed Iron Man 2, but they've sent the preordered Blu-Ray today, so should bring some necessary viewing during the weekend, methinks!

However, tonight will be spent doing the dishes and trying to install Fallout New Vegas. A couple of weeks ago I spent three hours installing Civ V--it just wouldn't start from the disc no matter how much I tried to lure it with snacks, so I eventually gave up and let it download the whole thing from the Steam servers instead. Bloody waste of time, even now that we've got such a lightning-fast connection (compared to our previous one, that is. Still not quite South Korean standards!)

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