
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

15 March 2012

Back to the Normandy 

I may have just re-installed Mass Effect 1 and started with a brand new Shepard (still FemShep; I'm going to keep Kaiden this time (it pains me), but ME without Jennifer Hale's voice-acting is heresy to me). I may also have played a couple of hours "to get the feel of it". I may have just started another 120-hour long space voyage. I realised there were tonnes of stuff I had missed (due to choices I made), so I'm going to experiment with other outcomes this time.

Well, I say "other outcomes". We all know the ultimate outcome will be the exact same no matter what I choose, but I still believe there was a lot more to the ending than we thought initially, so by the time I've reached that point this time around, "The Truth" should be out.

I also believe in fairies. I do, I do!

Not Beethoven.

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