
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

19 March 2012

It's Beginning to Dawn on Me... 

I don't know about you, but I spend much of my non-gaming time reading about gaming. Lately, that means reading about Mass Effect 3 when I'm not playing it (or, currently, Mass Effect 1). I think I've read just about every original opinion out there about The Infamous Ending. I don't think some of the people in charge at Bioware have, though.

I was devastated by the ending for a couple of days. Then I started reading forums containing theories and hypotheses from around the gaming world. This cheered me up quite a lot, and even made me reinstall the first game to play the whole series again. The indoctrination theory remains my favourite, as it explains quite a lot of the nonsensical last few scenes meant to sum up five years' worth of storylines.

But then Bioware keep messing things up with their "updates" and "responses". I have my high hopes crushed when they say stuff like that reported in this article. It makes me suspect more and more that the ending we got was the ending intended, and thus basically negating much of what came before. Tying up all the loose ends? Nah, forget that. We don't have time!

I've been playing and enjoying Bioware games for the past ten years and I know they can tell a good story, plus I'm loving the bisexual tendencies of many of their characters. Mass Effect 3 was absolutely brilliant up until the very ending and I really, REALLY wanted to believe they had a plan behind this that I just had to wait to see, but I'm beginning to realise they basically fucked up. They trampled all over our dear digital crew mates and love interests...for what? I'm very disappointed and I hope the writers are, too, otherwise I'll lose all my respect for them. I used to kill off my protagonist when I didn't have time to finish a school essay, and I knew very well it was the lazy way out and that I should have started sooner or simply not fleshed out the story so much. Surely Bioware had more time to end all the different storylines and make certain the ending MADE SENSE? We would gladly have waited a few more months to get it right. It feels incomplete and any DLCs now will only show us that no, in fact they hadn't thought through the ending properly.

I guess you don't need my money, Bioware. I will at least stay clear of anything made by the same team in future, because I don't want to be this disappointed ever again. I'm not saying you should change the ending, because it would have been a great one if it made sense. Any author would be furious that they would have to change their work due to public demand. But please understand that we won't settle for that ludicrous I-don't-know-what which we ended up with. I had faith to begin with, due to the awesome theories out there, and based on Bioware's history, but with every new update from the team they're basically shooting themselves in the foot in my opinion.

I'll still continue playing Mass Effect 1 for now, but I also have tonnes of other games to play (I've lost interest in another Bioware title in the past month as well; Star Wars: The Old Republic), so it's not like I don't have anything else to do but throw my money at EA/Bioware and beg them to abuse my trust.


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