
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

20 May 2012

Oh, Those Observer Readers... 

That would include me. However, the newspaper is actually above my pay grade. Yes, I can afford the paper itself (once a month or so), but hardly anything featured in it. This is like porn for young professionals and middle-aged, middle-class, country-living gourmet food aficionados (and they would know how to pronounce that properly). The Observer Magazine is both inspiring and depressing to me. It's also something to point at laugh at, when you discover that very often the interviewees will feature with a caption recognising their stylist or preferred fashion designer.

I wonder what mine would read. "Sweater: H&M, £15, now only available in charity shops; Jeans: Levi's bought off the back of a lorry via eBay at knock-down price, quite worn; Shoes: Skechers, bought in Amazon's Black Friday sale and meant to last several seasons; Hair: Blob of Garnier Fructis hair gel applied in a hurry and then styled naturally by the wind."


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