
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

11 June 2013

Am I Psychic? 

I don't know, maybe I can make things come back to life or something? After mentioning Final Fantasy Versus XIII (or FFXIII Versus, as I called it) yesterday and how it had just slunk away somewhere without anyone knowing where it had gone, Sony declared in their presentation at E3 only hours later that they had rebranded it as Final Fantasy XV and that it would definitely be released. So, what can we bring back next? The first thing that springs to mind is Firefly. Come on, browncoats! We can do it!

Today marks the centennial of Norway being the first independent country in the world to introduce universal suffrage. And at the same time, Feminist Frequency get this crap to deal with (AKA "a list of very insecure men").

Well, someone who isn't afraid to be a female gamer is Felicia Day, here with Ryon Day, who's not afraid to be Felicia Day's brother, playing Sonic 2:

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