
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

10 June 2013

E3 2013 Has Begun! And We're All SOOO Excited! 

Hi. Yep, it's back. E3. The show for us gamers where we get to drool over upcoming titles. Some of them turn out to be delayed by forever, though (I am looking at you, The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy XIII Versus!). Today's seen the Apple, Microsoft and EA showcases, and Sony's is coming up (I'll be asleep by then, probably dreaming about Plants versus Zombies: Garden Warfare).

Now, I didn't watch the Apple one, because...you know...work. And going home from work. Microsoft's I couldn't care less about, since I've never been an Xbox fan and it doesn't seem likely I'll be one in the next five or six years, either. That Xbox One thing? Looks pretty uninteresting. Like a very expensive DVR, with really expensive games, no way to play your old games, and it has to be online once a day as a minimum. Bull to that! I'll just wait for the PC versions of their games (hey, they're Microsoft, of course even the "exclusives" will end up on the PC eventually). Lately I've started buying PC versions of PS3 games I already own because I tend not to remember I have the PS3 anyway, and every time I turn it on, it has to download an update or two.

The EA showcase, however, I had to watch. Well, ok, I paused it as it started, then went into the sitting room for the weekly viewing of Vicious, which is a lot of fun and which I hope will return for a second series (by the way! The excellent Plebs will be back! Read all about it!). Or at least give Penelope her own spin-off. Maybe a Penelope and Mildred Christmas special? So, anyway, back to the gaming. There was more from EA Sports (boring!), some announcement about Star Wars Battlefront which received applause, a cool demonstration of Need for Speed Rivals (guys, I love these new racing games because they look a-maz-ing, but to be absolutely honest, my favourite is still Need for Speed Underground because of the customisation options and that it's the only NFS game where I've (more or less) aced drifting), a sneak peek of Dragon Age Inquisition (coming in the autumn of 2014), a cool demonstration of a 64-player Battlefield 4 mission (with "Commander" mode)--they're going to show a live-stream of it throughout the E3, btw--and apparently there's a new Mirror's Edge coming. At some point. "When it's ready".

Oh, and they brought on Aaron Paul because he's in the new Need for Speed film. Having binge-watched Breaking Bad lately--and I really mean binge-watched; I watched the whole thing in less than a week--this was an added bonus for me.

So far on E3 I've seen one female developer. And three female game characters. Feminist Frequency and I are pretty angry. Maybe tomorrow?


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