
2,000 hamsters can't be wrong.

09 June 2013

Prism (AKA "1984") 

This whole Prism thing is very interesting. Mostly because Americans have been incredibly scared of communism and fascism for so long all the while living in a corrupt Orwellian society. But hey, it's the goddamn best country in the world, right?

Honestly, I'm not surprised by this at all. Call it cynicism, call it feeling defeated. After all, we Europeans have no rights when it comes to what the US deems necessary to "stamp out terrorism"; it may appear that they just make up new laws as they go along, and we have no vote on the matter.

And this just in: Edward Snowden, on why he is now in hiding in Hong Kong.

One day soon Minority Report will become the norm, you know.


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